TOP: Team-based Online Projects; IMSD: The International Association for Multibody System Dynamics

Last date to register in TOP@IMSD has been extended till

Jan. 22, 2024!

Kindly take advantage of this extension for internatinoal collaborations!

As per the minutes of the "Meeting IMSD-ISC, wednesday, July 26, 2023 at 13.00-13.40 in Lisbon, Portugal", in Item 6 which states that 

"... Subir Saha proposed a new format for worldwide IMSD student competitions. This needs the assistance of several colleagues for supervising and assisting the teams. S.S. will soon provide more info and will ask for volunteers in various countries. The competition should be finished before the Madison IMSD in 2024 and results will be presented there."

this TOP@IMSD programme is planned for the students and researchers in the area of Multibody System Dynamics around the World. Please enjoy the activity!

Click the following PDF files for more details:

1. TOP: Team-based Online Projects

2. Appendix

To register [click here]

For any clarification, kindly contact to

[Last Update: Jan. 08, 2024]