Delhi Humboldt Club

Meeting on Jan. 20, 2019 (Sunday)
Lunch in the lawn of Prof. Anurag Sharma (Present President of DHC), IIT Delhi Campus
Meeting held on 2nd May 2015

Dear All,
As informed in my previous mail, DHC meeting was held on 2nd May 2015 at Delhi University House and 22 members were participated. During the meeting, we have elected new office bearers for this year and are the following:

Prof. S. K. Saha President
Prof. Anil Bhatti Vice-President
Dr. S. Murugavel Secretary
Dr. A. Sakthivel Treasurer

Although, we aimed to have talk/discussion about the Earthquake but could not succeed. However, Prof. D. M.Banerjee agreed to deliver a talk in the next meeting.
We also had discussion about the DHC alumni meeting could be in a regular interval hereafter on fixed dates (two/three meeting in a calendar year).
Currently, we have decided two meeting dates and mark the following dated in your calendar.
The next meeting will be held on 22nd August 2015 at IITD along with a seminar (on earthquakes by Prof. D. M.Banerjee).
The annual day of DHC will be held on 21st November 2015 and the venue has not yet decided. Similarly, we could have a seminar during the Annual day on general topic and suggestions are welcome.
Have a nice summer holidays,
With best regards,


News for the year 2012

The year 2011 has ended with our third get-together (2nd one was held at JNU Campus on April 02, 2011) for the year at INSA (Dec. 17, 2011). It was attended by the Humboldtians in Delhi with their spouses and small kids. Twenty six people joined the lunch. The gathering was small but it was very interactive (see the group photo with some left before the photo session)!
A new team of office bearers was also formed during the lunch on Dec. 17, 2011 for the period of Jan.-Dec. 2012.

Dr. Sanak Mishra President Vice-President of ArcelorMittal India Ltd., New Delhi
Prof. D.M. Banerjee Vice-president Emeritus Professor, University of Delhi
Prof. N. Janardhana Raju Secretary School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Prof. D. Ravikumar Treasurer Department of Mech. Eng., Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

The club thanks Prof. N. Janardhana Raju and Prof. D.M. Banerjee to organize the 2nd and 3rd lunches at JNU and INSA, respectively, and wishes the new team of office bearers all the best!

Delhi Humboldt Club has started (or is it revived?) with 123 Humboldtians (click here to see list) during the "Get-together of Humboldt Alumni of Delhi on 29th January 2011 at the Guest House, University of Delhi from 12:00- 14:20 hrs." organized by Dr. Amita Chandra, Humboldt Ambassador Scientist (see group photo).

The founder office bearers for the year Feb. 2011 - Jan. 2012 were elected on the day formation of the club are as follows:

Prof. P. K. Seth President Retd. Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi
Dr. Sher Ali Vice-president Molecular Genetics Laboratory, National Institute of Immunology
Prof. Dr. Subir Kumar Saha Secretary Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Prof. Dr. N. Janardhana Raju Treasurer School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University

The following points were the outcome of the meeting on Jan. 29, 2011 after the club was formed:

  • It was decided that the representatives of this club will be on a rotational basis and will be elected at the end of January every year.
  • A membership fee of Rs 1000/- was agreed upon which should be deposited with the Treasurer.
  • A simple website for the club to be initiated by the secretary.
  • It was planned to have meeting/picnics, etc. with the spouses/families at regular intervals.
  • The club should get involved with the "Germany’s year in India: 2011-2012" starting from September 2011
  • The next meeting will be on 2nd April 2011 in Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and will be coordinated by the treasurer Dr. N. Janardhana Raju.

Any comment/suggestion on the club activities or this page may kindly be directed to the secretary.